Heal  Self-Sabotage

Honor and heal the pain of self-sabotage through twelve 1x1 retreat-style sessions that allow you to stop the inner mean girl from running the show and to take back control of your life.


Does this happen more often than you care to admit…


  • Shoulding all over yourself with all the things you "should" be doing
  • Feeling resentment or resistance to the growing list of things you "have" to do...you tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow but that never happens
  • Waking up to face the day...thinking ugh, here we go again.

When you commit to yourself to make the change to deepen into compassionate action and create a harmonious relationship with yourself you'll have a new outlook that takes care of you AND all of your loved ones.


Compassion is the key to stopping your 

Inner Mean Girl! 


“ Heather is such a gift to this world. She is gentle, kind, compassionate, soft-spoken, patient, caring, and full of so much love to share with others. Her program helped me to take time for and care for myself. I've learned how tune in and listen to my inner voice, practice self-compassion, embrace imperfection, understand self-sabotage, true self-care, set intentions, and have the tools to handle my anxiety. I feel much calmer, clearer and more at peace after this experience working with Heather. As a great bonus, I also made a life-long friend!”


- Jen


At the end of 12 weeks together, you'll be more aligned with your wants and needs, you'll have a stronger connection to the Inner Mean Girl and how you can work with her instead of against yourself and you'll have the ability to lean in with self-compassion instead of self-criticism. You'll feel balanced and aligned with your true self, allowing you to make better decisions that support your well-being. You'll be on the road to healing self-sabotage and anxiety.


The Inner Mean Girl program is perfect for you if you feel as though you're alone and nobody understands what you're going through.   Kind of feels like you're on an island alone... 

You feel unsure of how to navigate your way through the constant voice of negative self-talk and self-sabotage that shows up like a sneak attack, telling you I can't, I'm not worthy of it, I'm too unloveable, I'm too much, I don't belong, I'm not enough.


You desperately want to feel positive, happy, and confident but there is something holding you back that you just don't quite understand.


Together, we'll uncover the voice of the Inner Mean Girl, allow her to speak her truth, and build compassionate action towards your goals and dreams.


With the right set of tools and techniques,  put your “inner mean girl” back in her place!


Hi, I'm Heather

A little about me.  I love to travel, read, and random dance parties bring me complete joy. Also, let me tell you… I'm a chocolate-is-life kind of girl!

This pic is of me recently traveling through Europe.  Ask me about it… it was 14 days and 5 countries!

I empower spiritual women to increase their self-worth and self-compassion so that their inner mean girl doesn't run the show.


Introducing… Inner Mean Girl

Heal Self-Sabotage



1. Twelve Weeks of 1x1 immersive retreat-style sessions (60 Minutes) to step away from your day-to-day life to give yourself time and space to do this healing.


2. Work happens outside of our sessions, so you’ll be given outside resources to deepen your practice (Audios, Workbooks, Journal Prompts, Reflective Activites, Mindful & Self-Love Activities)


3. When challenges/questions arise, I’m available to fully support you so you’ll have unlimited access to email me for additional support where I will respond within 24 hours.\


4. Guided Meditation Recordings that are personalized just for you so you can connect with your inner guidance/intuition to create lasting and powerful change


5. Because things will come up after we are done working together that are not expected, I’ve included an additional follow-up session that you can book within 2 months (60 Minutes)

Your subconscious beliefs are keeping you on the road of self-sabotage and you don’t know why or how to stop it – that’s because you haven’t been listening to what this part of yourself is trying to tell you. 


Meet your inner mean girl with compassion and understanding and she will help you instead of trying to stop you. Then you'll stop your Inner Mean Girl in her tracks and create a new harmonious relationship with yourself that is aligned with your dreams and goals… one where you are true to yourself.



1.  Where will the sessions be held? Sessions can be held either virtually or in Newark, DE.


2.  When will we meet?  We'll schedule a weekly recurring day and time to set aside to honor yourself with this time.


3.  How is this different than therapy?  Heather does not diagnose or treat like a therapist does. Unlike therapists, we do not delve into past wounds or work with clients on "issues." We focus on the present and future, while therapy generally focuses on the past and present.  Accountability is important in  and the focus is on evolving and creating compassion.


4.  Do you have professional training?  Yes, Heather is trained in mindful self-compassion, mindfulness, facilitating safe space through workshops and retreats and other holistic modalities.


5.  Do you have a payment plan?  Yes.  Make 4 payments due every 30 days.  Contact Heather to set up.

Here's What You'll Get:



1. Twelve Weeks of 1x1 immersive retreat-style sessions (60 Minutes) to step away from your day-to-day life to give yourself time and space to do this healing.


2. Work happens outside of our sessions, so you’ll be given outside resources to deepen your practice (Audios, Workbooks, Journal Prompts, Reflective Activities, Mindful & Self-Love Activities)


3. When challenges/questions arise, I’m available to fully support you so you’ll have unlimited access to email me for additional support where I will respond within 24 hours.\


4. Guided Meditation Recordings that are personalized just for you so you can connect with your inner guidance/intuition to create lasting and powerful change


5. Because things will come up after we are done working together that are not expected, I’ve included an additional follow-up session that you can book within 2 months (60 Minutes)


The total investment is $4000


Payment Plan Option:  4 Payments of $1000, first payment due at time of enrollment then remaining payments every 30 days.  Contact Heather to set up.